Israeli U.N. Amb.: If It Doesn’t Reform, U.S. Should Consider Defunding the U.N.

by · Breitbart

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America Reports,” Gilad Erdan, Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, blasted the U.N. as an enemy of “the values of America and the free world” that is used to “whitewash” the crimes of dictators and rogues and argued that unless there are fundamental reforms to the organization, the United States should give consideration to defunding the U.N.

After blasting the organization’s mourning for Iran’s Ebrahim Raisi, Erdan stated, “I think that the most important thing is to understand that the U.N. has lost all of its credibility. It is no longer an organization that truly defends human rights. And I think that unless it [goes] through fundamental changes, the American administration should really maybe consider seriously [defunding] the U.N. I’m not sure that your viewers are aware of the fact that they are paying $19 billion, almost $20 billion every year, and instead of strengthening your values, the values of America and the free world, you are weakening your values. Because today, the U.N. is being used by dictators and rogue states to whitewash their crimes. Iran was also elected recently to chair the human rights Social Forum. You can’t make these things up.”

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