Youtuber Mr Beast offered two people £500k to stay in room for 90 DAYS

by · Mail Online

Youtuber MrBeast's latest challenge involved locking two strangers in a room for ninety days - but he unveiled a nail-biting twist that challenged them to split or steal almost £400,000 in cash.

MrBeast, real name Jimmy Donaldson, from the U.S, is the world's richest Youtube star, and is known for engineering engaging challenges, games or experiments online.

The 25-year-old social media star regularly gives away millions of dollars to lucky subscribers - but his latest challenged has been dubbed a little more disturbing than usual by viewers. 

His latest tricky task involved two perfect strangers, named Suzie and Bailey, an all-white 'isolation chamber,' and $500,000 (£392,000) cash. 

In a video uploaded to his X account, @MrBeast, he told them: 'If the two of you can survive the next 100 days in here, I will give you half a million dollars inside of this vault. But if one of you leaves before the hundred days is up - you both get nothing.'

MrBeast's latest challenge involved locking two strangers in a room for ninety days - but he unveiled a nail-biting twist that challenged them to split or steal almost £400,000 in cash

MrBeast then left the pair in the cube-like room, which contained two makeshift beds, no windows, a private bathroom and enough food to last them 100 days.

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Suzie and Bailey were, at first, left to entertain themselves with objects and materials contained in the room, such as making decks of cards out of paper and building forts out of cans of food. 

Each day, they were required to eat plain chicken, and the indoor lights were permanently set to 'blindingly bright.'

However, MrBeast would arrive every ten days throughout the challenge to tempt them with extra prizes, cash and tastier food - but it would all come at a cost.  

The YouTuber would offer the pair treats that would cost a significant amount of their potential prize money, such as a private chef to cook them for every meal on Day 10.

On Day 20, Suzie and Bailey had the opportunity to buy beds and a dimmer switch for the bright lights for $50,000 (£39,000) - but the pair turned down both offers. 

The two eventually cracked on Day 30 and purchased the entire Harry Potter book collection and a coffee machine for $20,000 (£15,700). 

The contestants managed to pass the time with relatively no problems, aside from a frustrated Suzie eventually hiding the Monopoly dice to avoid playing any more games.  

The YouTuber would offer the pair treats that would cost a significant amount of their potential prize money, such as a private chef to cook them for every meal on Day 10.

When the last day came around, MrBeast arrived with an unexpected twist: the pair faced a final challenge of either splitting the money, as agreed, or steal it for themselves. 

If one of them chose to steal while the other chose to split, the 'robber' would walk away with the entire prize - but if both of them chose to steal, they would leave the room with nothing. 

Luckily, both Suzie and Bailey were not willing to take the risk, and the pair chose to split, meaning each walked away with $250,000 (£196,000).

The video, which was uploaded to X on May 20, has since received over 50 million views and over 5,000 comments from viewers who expressed mixed opinions over the challenge.  

One person wrote, 'Mr. Beast you are changing lives with one contest at a time,' while another said of the two contestants, 'I hope they get married.'

Luckily, both Suzie and Bailey chose to split, meaning each walked away with $250,000 (£196,000)
The video, which was uploaded to X on May 20, has since received over 50 million views and over 5,000 comments from viewers who expressed mixed opinions over the challenge

A third said: 'They picked the perfect dude for this, he had almost no opinions and agreed with anything she said.'

Meanwhile, one cynical viewer wrote: 'I'm starting to think Mr Beast is just running lockdown psychology experiments for the government.' 

Another fan suggested a more challenging alteration to the task, writing: 'Imagine repeating this challenge but increasing heat in the room to cause sweat and replacing foods with beans and other foods that cause gas.'

It comes after MrBeast revealed that he makes an eye-watering £550 million a year -but claims not to be rich. 

He became the most followed individual on YouTube in 2022 and with 240 million subscribers and counting at the start of 2024 he is only closely behind Indian record label and production company T-Series in the race for the top spot altogether.